Chiropractic Treatment
Your initial consultation will involve a detailed history and physical examination comprising of various orthopaedic and neurological tests to best diagnose your condition. At this practice we make use of many techniques and modalities. The primary two methods of treatment are diversifed chiropractic technique and myofascial dry needling.
Diversified technique is the most commonly used chiropractic technique which is the implementation of a high velocity, low amplitude thrust in the direction of restricted range of movement of a particular joint in order to restore motion and reduce pain.
Myofascial dry needling is the use of solid filiform needles or 'acupuncture' needles for the treatment of muscular pain, also known as intramuscular stimulation. The needle is inserted into the skin and directly into the myofasial trigger point responsible for the pain. A trigger point is a band of multiple contraction knots which are related to the production and maintenance of the pain cycle. Pain relief is achieved by the release of endogenous opioids when the needle inserted correctly.
We also offer the following care
Treatment also involves nutritional, dietary & lifestyle advice, ergonomic & postural correction, rehabilitative exercise & stretching, deep tissue massage, transverse friction, ischaemic compression, ultrasound, electrotherapy, extracorporeal shockwave therapy & strapping.